Brake Service St Ives

St Ives is an Upper North Shore suburb located north of the Sydney Central Business District. A wealthy suburb, the area is also known for The Village Green. This park features baseball fields, sporting fields and a skate park, among other amenities. Peninsula Auto Clinic was the go-to mechanic when locals needed a brake service. Our mechanics have the know-how to do any car service or repair of any brand or type.

Licensed Brake Mechanic in St Ives

Qualification is the number one criteria to look at when choosing a trustworthy mechanic. At Peninsula Auto Clinic, we have the best brake specialists in town. Each holds an NSW mechanic’s licence after meeting requirements set by state law. NSW Fair Trading requires future mechanics to undergo the Certificate II in Automotive Studies and Certificate III in Light Vehicle Mechanical Technology courses, as well as an apprenticeship. Individuals who have met these standards are sure to have the necessary skills to service and fix any vehicle.

Brake Repair and Service – What Goes On?

The car brake plays a vital function in ensuring that the vehicle stops when it should. A properly working brake system keeps the driver and passengers safe and prevents accidents. In a brake service, our brake mechanics perform a thorough inspection of every bit and piece of the system. This assessment aims to make sure that all these components get into action when the driver steps on the brake pedal. At Peninsula Auto Clinic, a brake repair and service includes an inspection of the rear drums, disc brakes and brake fluids, among other parts.

Importance of Brake Repair and Service

Aside from safety, there are other benefits of having a car undergo regular brake service, including subsequent brakes repair, brake pad replacement and brake fluid replacement. The following are some advantages:

  • Routine visits to the auto shop for a brake service helps in prolonging the parts of the car brake. By having a professional check each component, these parts will function at their tip-top shape every time and will not be under stress. 
  • It could save money in the long run. Ensuring that each part of the brake system is properly working prevents unexpected breakdowns. These unexpected repairs can pile up and cost more compared to having regular car inspections.

Signs That A Brake Service is Needed

Like many things that malfunction, several indicators appear to show that the vehicle is due for a brake service. The following are some signs a car needs a brake repair or service:

  • Unusual sound when braking;
  • Handbrake issues;
  • Soft or low brake pedal;
  • Brake light issues; and
  • Decreased brake performance.

Contact the Most Trusted Brake Specialist in St Ives Now!

Our brake mechanics have always been emphasizing the need for regular maintenance. This advice is more important when it comes to maintaining brake health. Contact Peninsula Auto Clinic now to have your car undergo the preferred brake service in St Ives today!